Posts Tagged ‘21232’
The “odd/even factorial” of a positive integer n is represented as n and is defined non-recursively as: (n)(n-2)(n-4)…(4)(2) if n is even and is (n)(n-2)(n-4)…(5)(3) (1) if n is odd. For example 7 equals 7*5*3*1 or 105 and 6 equals 6*4*2 or 48. Come up with a recursive definition for n and use it to guide you to write a method definition for a method called oddevenfact that recursively calculates the odd/even factorial value of its single int parameter. The value returned by oddevenfact is a long ..
Language: Java Challenge: The “odd/even factorial” of a positive integer n is represented as n and is defined non-recursively as: (n)(n-2)(n-4)…(4)(2) if n is even and is (n)(n-2)(n-4)…(5)(3) (1) if n is odd. For example 7 equals 7*5*3*1 or 105 and 6 equals 6*4*2 or 48. Come up with a recursive definition for n and…
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